Reader Question: “What kind of emotions do you experience throughout a typical day?”
(This question arrived in a letter that went missing after a raid – I don't recall where it's from.) I struggled a lot when thinking about how to answer this…
(This question arrived in a letter that went missing after a raid – I don't recall where it's from.) I struggled a lot when thinking about how to answer this…
(Question asked in a letter from the UK) When I think about magic, what comes to mind is something that has the power to alter one's consciousness. There is a…
(Asked in a letter from Greensboro, NC.) Friendship in prison is a very powerful experience, but also can be a complicated one as well. Doing your time without a friend…
Asked in a letter from Ammon, ID. Every one of us will make mistakes and bad decisions in our lifetime. Some of these will cause minor setbacks, while others will…
(Asked in a letter from Linden, VA.) What goes on inside a prison (especially a minimum security prison camp like I'm at) is very much a microcosm of what goes…
Q: "Have you changed your conception of, or relationship to, 'Time' since entering the system?" (Question asked in a letter from Lansing, MI.) Time is a rather large concept, wherever…