Below is a Facebook link to a short personal video I posted after being sentenced to update folks about my situation. It’s is a good place to start.

Strong Prison Wives and Families Interview

A YouTube interview I did with the founder of Strong Prison Wives and Families. It covers a range of topics including my children, my relationship, my house burning down while I waited to enter prison and more. Many people say this was their favorite interview I gave.

Rising Man Podcast

The very first interview I gave about my situation. This one is my favorite and gets into finding meaning in what you’re going through, healthy masculinity, maintaining a relationship from prison and much more.


A YouTube interview I gave with a prison consultant. Shortly before I surrendered to federal prison.

Final Straw Podcast

An interview I gave from a much more political perspective regarding my situation and prisons in general. They had some technical issues with the sound but there’s plenty of valuable info to hear.

I also recorded over 20 episodes of my own podcast with my good friend Ben. We discuss many aspects of facing prison. I also interviewed former prisoners about their experiences. Things moved quickly and I ended up in prison before I could publish these recordings. After my release I would like to offer them and start a new podcast as well.

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