A letter to my oldest daughter (about the soul)
Dear E, I can't believe it's time to pick our monthly song to share again. It feels like I just did that. But this is a good thing when I…
Dear E, I can't believe it's time to pick our monthly song to share again. It feels like I just did that. But this is a good thing when I…
When I first started this blog, my fiancĂ© told me an old friend of mine reached out to her and said the stuff I write is sad. My first thought…
(Asked in a letter from Greensboro, NC.) Friendship in prison is a very powerful experience, but also can be a complicated one as well. Doing your time without a friend…
I receive letters from all over the country, from people willing to share so much about their lives with me. Their joys and aspirations, their fears, drawings and poetry, or…
One day I was staring out the window with a smirk on my face as I looked across the farmland that surrounded the prison on all sides. Another inmate came…
It was a morning like every other. Things don't change much here. Prison is routine followed by routine, followed by routine, followed by more routine. I'm up by 5:30 AM…
Asked in a letter from Ammon, ID. Every one of us will make mistakes and bad decisions in our lifetime. Some of these will cause minor setbacks, while others will…
(Asked in a letter from Linden, VA.) What goes on inside a prison (especially a minimum security prison camp like I'm at) is very much a microcosm of what goes…
Following on the heels of my last post about "time," I thought this would be a good followup. Though it doesn't discuss "time," it indirectly causes me to reflect on…
Q: "Have you changed your conception of, or relationship to, 'Time' since entering the system?" (Question asked in a letter from Lansing, MI.) Time is a rather large concept, wherever…